Friday, November 16, 2012

Nov 16,2012

my name is kaytie graves, i'm not a writer, just someone who needs a place to share her feelings. i am a foster mother. my husband and i became foster parents nov 3, 2011. we got our first child nov 8, 2011 and still have her to this day. what a beautiful child she is, what a change she has brought to our lives. what an experience i wouldn't trade for the world! i love her so much as if she was my own birth child. she was only a small sweet beautiful 4 month old when we first brought her home. so all she knows is us. we are mommy and daddy. i think her being so small when we got her really makes this whole process a lot harder. because she doesnt understand why she has to go on visits each week. she doesnt understand why mommy is leaving her with a stranger. 

today is really the hardest day so far. today is the first time she has had an overnight visit. she will be gone tonight, tomorrow and i will pick her up sunday after church. ive never wanted a weekend to go by so fast before in my whole life! honestly im proud of myself right now. i havent cried since i dropped her off this morning, i assume i got all my tears out the days before. i trust that God has His hand on her and that His protection is all around her. i just wish i could be there, i wish she would be safe in her own bed tonight. but this is the road of foster care. the goal is "reunification" but to me, after 15 months of a child being in the system i think that reunification is crap! i know i signed up for this knowing that the goal was to reunify the family, but you fall in love, you become the mommy, you change every diaper, you wipe away every tear you give your whole heart to this child and they just come in and say well its time to go back?!?! 

its been a hard road, but like i said before, i wouldnt trade it for the world. each child we will bring in over our life as foster parents will be so special, each family we help in the process will be worth it. and ive learn in this year that nothing is over till its over, so just because she is away tonight doesnt mean she will be gone for good. i trust my Father in heaven knows what is best for her and in the end all i really want is what is best for her! 

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